From Farm to Tablet: Our Purity Testing

From Farm to Tablet: Our Purity Testing

If you look at a bottle of MegaFood, you’ll see a line of “purity seals” going down the right-hand side. These represent a handful of the testing and purity measures we take when crafting our products, and I want to focus on just a couple of them today: our testing for gluten, dairy, and soy.

Food allergies and other food-related conditions are becoming an ever-growing concern in our modern culture. Some of these allergies can be particularly serious, and the allergen needs to be avoided even to the trace level. For that reason, we take our testing of these allergens very seriously.


One of the most common allergies we see is gluten. For those with certain health concerns, such as Celiac disease, gluten can be particularly harmful. MegaFood uses the FDA-approved R5 ELISA (Enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay) method to test for gliadin, one of the main proteins in the gluten molecule. We test high-risk raw materials and all final products to ensure no traces are present. Certified Gluten-Free products must test at 20ppm (parts per million) or less, however, we have set our gluten-free standards to comply to 10ppm or less, to be doubly sure it’s a pure and safe product.


We also test all of our products to ensure they are free of soy. Not only is this a common allergen, but there are also a number of individuals who opt to omit this food from their diet, and like the assurance of a tested-free product. This uses a similar test to gluten, and here we’re looking to ensure it contains 5ppm of soy protein or less.


Last up for today is dairy. Just like soy, we ensure our products contain 5ppm or less of dairy proteins. This is especially important when we talk about probiotics, as dairy is a common growth-media of probiotics, and many products on the market may contain traces of this common allergen.

What Else ISN’T in There?

In addition to vitamin, mineral, botanical, and allergy testing, we also conduct a range of tests to additionally ensure our product’s purity. We check each batch for heavy metals, yeasts, moulds, herbicides, pesticides, and more, so you and your family can feel confident taking pure products that are fresh from farm to tablet!

Join The Vitamin Shop on February 21 & 22, 2023 for a MegaFood Takeover and flash sale!

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