At any time, adequate water intake is important for bodily functions. There is a lot of focus on healthy eating, exercise, enough sleep, etc. but the importance of water is often understated. Body weight is about 60 percent water and it uses water in all the cells, organs, and tissues.
Water does more than just quench your thirst and regulate your body’s temperature:
– Water keeps the tissues in your body moist in sensitive areas like the eyes, nose and mouth. In addition, even though we don’t see it or feel it, water is needed to maintain health of the blood, it acts as a lubricant for the joints and it is essential for the brain.
– Water helps the body to excrete waste products through perspiration, urination and defecation. The kidneys are a water organ in Traditional Chinese Medicine and water is essential for the health of the kidneys which act as filter the blood.
– Water is important for healthy digestion. Water helps to soften and digest soluble fibre and contributes to a longer lasting sense of fullness and aids in normal bowel movements.
– Exercise and hot weather: Depending on the level of exercise at any time, and when we are exposed to hot weather the body loses water at a much faster rate due to increased sweating. It is very important during these times to increase fluid intake to maintain and restore the natural hydration levels.
– Dehydration and the Brain: Research shows that dehydration inhibits memory, attention, and memory. Even minor levels of dehydration can have negative effects on brain function. The brain is 75% water and a dry shriveled up brain doesn’t work very well. Message from the brain: Please drink, I need water to help me think.
-Water and the blood and heart. The plasma – the pale-yellow portion of the blood, is 90% water! If you become dehydrated, your blood becomes thick and more concentrated leading to an imbalance of the electrolyte minerals such as sodium and potassium which are essential for muscle and heart function. Dehydration also causes dizziness especially on standing due to less blood being pumped to the brain.
-Water can help you eat less and healthier – in one study of more than 18,300 adults, those who drank just 1 percent more water a day ate fewer calories, less saturated fats, sugar, sodium, and cholesterol. Often when people think they are hungry they are actually thirsty.
So how much water should you drink?
The amount of water you need depends on a variety of factors. The climate you live in, how physically active you are, and whether you’re experiencing an illness or have any other health problems all affect recommended intake. I would suggest an average of 1.5 litres of filtered water a day and in hot weather or exercise 2.0-2.5 litres daily.
Some may say just drink when thirsty, but often that is too late, a person is already dehydrated.
In the summertime, symptoms of dehydration are fairly common. Most people don’t realize they are dehydrated until they feel thirsty which is the first signal from the body telling you that you are on the way to dehydration. Other symptoms include: fatigue, headaches, muscle weakness, light headedness/dizziness, confusion, dry cracked lips, skin that stays indented after being pinched and released, and fast heart rate. In children, additional symptoms may include: dry mouth or tongue, no tears when crying, no wet diapers for hours, listlessness, and irritability. What something more visual? Check your urine. Urine should be pale yellow to clear but when you are dehydrated it is a darker yellow or cloudy.
Severe dehydration and heat stroke
Heat stroke develops rapidly and occurs when a person becomes dehydrated and cannot sweat enough to cool his or her body, his or her internal temperature may rise to dangerously high levels. If you suspect you’ve developed heat exhaustion, heat stroke or developed severe electrolyte loss, and you’re suffering from severe cramping or light headedness, or a rapid heartbeat, seek immediate medical attention.
You should never drink large amounts of plain water after profuse sweating, especially if you have already developed some symptoms of heat exhaustion. Adding more fluid to your system without also adding electrolytes might lead to a more severe electrolyte imbalance.
How can dehydration be prevented?
Take precautionary measures to avoid the harmful effects of dehydration, including the following:
- Drink plenty of fluids, especially when working or playing in the sun. First and foremost, drinking water consistently throughout the day is very important. The majority of your fluids should come from water as well as some electrolyte beverages, but you can also get hydration and electrolytes from food. Foods that are water-rich—like cucumbers, watermelon, apples, peaches and other juicy foods. Just make sure you are taking in more fluid than you are losing.
- Try to schedule physical outdoor activities for the cooler parts of the day.
- Drink appropriate sports drinks to help maintain electrolyte balance. Consume plenty of electrolytes since they are the key to absorbing water you drink. Talk to the staff at the Vitamin Shop for recommendations on good electrolyte powders to add to your water or sport drinks that contain electrolytes. This is important for young children also who are playing in the sun all day.
- Be aware that even though alcoholic beverages like beer or coolers provide fluid, alcohol is also dehydrating. Rule of thumb, drink one glass of water per one alcoholic drink to prevent dehydration.
Hydration is important and complex. Moving forward, don’t just focus on gulping down as much water as you can, but be sure you’re consuming electrolytes as well.