AOR Curcumin Active - A high dose of fast-acting Longvida optimized curcumin which can be used for those with osteoarthritis, joint pain or any type of chronic pain caused by inflammation. Longvida curcumin was specially formulated to provide a solution to the curcumin conundrum of low bioavailability, poor absorption and rapid breakdown. Although bioavailability and absorption help determine effectiveness, the key to its success lies with the capacity of Curcumin Active to remain free, unbound and in circulation in the body. Particles are reduced to a nano-particle size, then coated in lipids to ensure the free unbound curcumin reaches the tissues. Curcumin is also known to help reduce gastrointestinal inflammation, promote healthy cell growth, and provide anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing properties. It also supports liver and gallbladder function, cardiovascular health and much more.