MSPrebiotic - A second generation prebiotic produced from potato extract that is all-natural, vegan, gluten-free, caffeine-free, and contains no GMOs. MSPrebiotic replenishes the body by renewing the healthy microflora in the digestive tract. As healthy microflora feed on MSPrebiotic, they replicate and increase in numbers, crowding out harmful bacteria while conferring numerous health benefits. This product has been clinically shown to reverse age-related changes in the gut microflora, thereby returning this ecosystem to one more typical of a healthy, younger individual. The health benefits associated with dietary fibre can be achieved by adding a prebiotic supplement to one's diet. MSPrebiotic is 70% dietary fibre, providing a simple, easy solution to bridge the fibre gap-- promoting regularity, maintaining heart health, and helping to reduce inflammation. Every 10g scoop of MSPrebiotic delivers 7g of dietary fibre. Since most adults require between 25 and 35g of fibre per day, that means the recommended 2 to 3 scoops of this prebiotic supplement can provide 60 – 80% of the RDA for fibre, depending on age & gender. Even a single scoop can increase the fibre intake by 50% for most people!