NutriStart Naturally Bamboo Silica - Silica stimulates cell formation and metabolism, helping to inhibit the aging process. It is used in the body to maintain and repair bones, eyes, hair, nails, skin, teeth and cell walls. Weak, spitting or peeling nails are often one of the first signs of silica deficiency. The pancreas, thymus gland, thyroid and coronary arteries all utilize silica, as well. When the silica content of the aortic tissues declines so does the elasticity of the aortic vessel walls. Atherosclerotic arteries usually contain dramatically less silica than healthy arteries, thus silica helps to prevent hardening of the arteries. Silica is vital to bone growth and density and works, with calcium and magnesium, to give bones both hardness and flexibility. It increases bone calcium absorption, even in those with osteoporosis due to aging. Calcium alone can make bones harder, but it offers no flexibility to them, which is important to prevent breakage when the bones are exposed to a shock (as in a fall).