Omega Nutrition Plant-Based Protein Powder - Pumpkin seed powder provides a certified organic, gluten-free vegetable source of whole food protein and all 20 amino acids. Offers health-minded consumers a protein replacement product that is easy to digest and so naturally concentrated that 2 tablespoons offers 9 grams of complete protein.
Organic partially defatted pumpkin seed protein powder. Calories 60Saturated Fat 0 gTrans 0 gCarbohydrate 2 gFat 1 gFibre 2 gSugars 0 gCholesterol 0 mgProtein 9 gPotassium 225 mgSodium 0 mgIron 3 mgCalcium 20 mgGluten free, vegan, non-GMO. Directions: Refrigerate after opening.